updating oE c_proc


<built-in> procedure c_proc(integer rid, sequence args={}) 

calls a C void function, machine code function, translated Euphoria procedure, or compiled Euphoria procedure by routine id.

  1. rid : an integer, the routine_id of the external function being called.
  2. args : a sequence, the list of parameters to pass to the function

If rid is not a valid routine id, or the arguments do not match the prototype of the routine being called, an error occurs.


rid must have been returned by define_c_proc, not by routine_id. The type checks are different, and you would get a machine level exception in the best case.

If the procedure does not take any arguments then args should be {}.

If you pass an argument value which contains a fractional part, where the C void function expects a C integer type, the argument will be rounded towards zero. For example: 5.9 will be passed as 5 and -5.9 will be passed as -5.

Example 1:
atom user32, hwnd, rect 
integer GetClientRect 
-- open user32.dll - it contains the GetClientRect C function 
user32 = open_dll("user32.dll") 
-- GetClientRect is a VOID C function that takes a C int 
-- and a C pointer as its arguments: 
GetClientRect = define_c_proc(user32, "GetClientRect", 
                              {C_INT, C_POINTER}) 
-- pass hwnd and rect as the arguments 
c_proc(GetClientRect, {hwnd, rect}) 
See Also:

c_func, define_c_func, open_dll, Platform-Specific Issues

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